Lyrics Mania

Lyrics Mania App

The Lyrics Mania Music Player app is a one-of-a-kind music app which displays lyrics of your favorite songs at all times you want at the convenience of a tap on the screen. By incorporating lyrics, artists, and song titles into one search box, the app is made to make it simpler for users to find the music they want to listen to wherever they are.

You may look up any song on Spotify, Pandora, or another music service using this app. The app makes it simple for you to choose what you want to listen to by displaying all of the associated tracks with their names, vocalists, and album covers after you’ve found something you like.

A special feature of this application is the ability to identify any type or genre of music through the music ID option. Users of the music ID feature can identify songs by recording them on their devices and afterwards listening to them on popular streaming services like Spotify. Another built in feature is the built-in radio feature which allows users of the lyrics mania – music player app to listen to songs from a vast database of music from every genre and time.

Users can choose their preferred musical genre, and the app will automatically play songs from various performers and artists based on the data gathered through their preferences. While listening to your favorite music on your phone, you can instantly access the lyrics of a specific song with the app’s lock screen widget.

About Lyrics Mania

The online music database made available through this application includes songs by Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Ariana Grande, Rhianna, Selena Gomez, One Direction, Beyonce and many more. It consists of songs from every genre of music as classical songs, pop songs, country songs, rock songs etc. The users have unlimited access to this library of music and can play whichever one they prefer or even add more music to this collection through its special options. The attractive display of lyrics on your device will leave you wanting for more!

Another unique application introduced through Lyrics Mania is the feature of allowing users to search for songs in several languages. With this function, users can easily listen to music in their local tongue without having to search for lyrics in English through the search box. With just one search, you can enter the name of your favorite artist, song, or album with ease. The app will readily display all associated songs along with their artists, album covers, and track names for your convenience. It is also important to note that there are no adverts or in-app purchases included in the app which further is an additional bonus for its users

The Lyrics Mania Music Player app has been downloaded more than millions of time across platforms and consists of users from all corners of the world. It is available to be downloaded for free on the Google Play Store and has achieved a rating of 4.1 stars.

Install Lyrics Mania on Android TV

There are many favorite apps and games that you want to install on your smart TV. Most of those apps are not available for Android TV or Fire TV devices. However, you can install apk file on your TV. There are many apk installer for TVs like Aptoide TV, Applinked, Filesynced, and unlinked.

App stores like Applinked, Filesynced and unlinked are different from others. You can create your store and upload apk files that you want in your TV. If not, you can use public codes like applinked codes, filesynced codes or unlinked codes to check new apps and games. Aptoide TV is like play store where you can search all available apps. Best TV app store to install your favorite play store apps and games.


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